Lake County Board of Commissioners
Architect / Engineer
CSK Architects
General Contractor
Merrillville, IN
Institutional / Municipal
Lake County Government Center
Merrillville, in
Hasse completed renovations to a four hundred-thirty (430) seat tiered auditorium and stage area. The 4,000 SF renovation included the following items: replacing all the existing lighting, including thirty-seven (37) can lights within the drywall ceilings and 2x2 LED lay-in lights within the stepped acoustic ceilings. All of the existing floor finishes were removed and replaced with new carpeting and vinyl tile. The four hundred-thirty (430) seats were removed and replaced. New stainless steel handrails at the auditorium tiered aisleways were added. The work also included replacing two (2) VAV’s and associated ductwork for the HVAC system serving the auditorium.