Skyline Provisions​
Architect / Engineer
Food Plant Engineering
General Contractor
Harvey, IL
HPP Remodel
Harvey, il
Hasse was contracted to change an old loading dock space into a state of the art High Pressure Packaging area for food preparation. Hasse demolished the existing loading dock facility which included removal of OH doors, concrete demolition, structural wall relocation and electrical demolition. Installations included plumbing, concrete floors, and insulated wall panels for temperature control. The next phase involved a MEP install, consisting of new transformers and switchgear along with installation of new chillers, evaporators, chilled and hot water, gas feeds, and air handling units. At the start of the project, fire protection requirement became an issue, so Hasse designed, received local approval for, and installed a new system. Hasse then coordinated the installation of the owner-provided multimillion dollar HPP machine to insure proper electrical and mechanical connections and operation. The project was finished early with no safety incidents.